


"Talking to you has really helped J.  He seems to be happier in himself now." 

                                                                                                                   Parent of child who had been referred for counselling.

"Mmm . . . . that was so relaxing!  When can I book my next treatment?"

                                                                                                  JS  Natural Lift Facial Massage

"I am usually very ticklish on my feet, so I was bit nervous about having Reflexology - but after the first minute of the treatment, I was surprised that

it didn't tickle at all!"     TL  Reflexology   


" I think I was very relaxed.  Did I fall asleep?"

                                                                                   BM Hypnotherapy

"It really helps me to talk to you; its like bouncing ideas around, so that I can think about what I want to do."

                                                                                                                                                         TS  Counselling

"After my first Reflexology treatment I slept through the whole night for 3 consecutive nights, which is very unusual for me."   

                                                                                                                                                                                                  LP  Reflexology

"That was so relaxing!  I felt like I was asleep, but I could still hear what you were saying." 

                                                                                                                              SH  Hypnotherapy

"I was surprised at how relaxing that was; as relaxing as a full body massage."

                                                                                                           SM  Hand, Arm, Leg & Foot Massage

" I love the head massage.  It really helps me to relax.  I'm just ready for a nice warm bath and then bed afterwards." 

                                                                                                                                                                     EA  Indian Head Massage

"That was so relaxing.  I could have stayed there all day."

                                                                             EW  Reiki

"I've had pain in my neck and shoulder for years, but since the head massage, I've had no pain for 3 weeks, and everyone has said how 'chilled' I am!"

                                                                             MA  Indian Head Massage

"That was so lovely - I feel lovely and warm - right from inside my tummy."

                                                                             ME  Functional Reflex Therapy

"Is it normal for people to feel so relaxed?" 

                                                                          PH  Indian head Massage

"I felt a real sense of relief come over me when you were treating me."

                                                                                                       BL  Natural Lift Facial Massage

"I've never had Reflexology before.  I didn't realise how relaxing it would be!"

                                                                                                                                    CB  Reflexology

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